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Asia meets Asia 2024 東京公演/ Tokyo Performance


Five Thing for Climate Change Happening in Asia Now  

<今ここに- Here & Now>

飢餓、核物質の拡散、温暖化、大量絶滅、汚染? 人間がいなくなればいい? そんな格好つけてはいられない。 ダークな未来への希望の資源はどこに?  

2024年4月25日(木)〜29日(月・祝) プロト・シアター(高田馬場)


助成:公益財団法人東京都歴史文化財団 アーツカウンシル東京【東京ライブ・ステージ応援助成】

ご予約はこちらから: info@a-m-a.tokyo

おなまえ Name:
日時 Date & Time:
券種 Kind of ticket: 通し券 4 shows pass / 1作品券 1 show (A, B, C, D)
枚数 Number of seat:
ご連絡先 Contact email address:


Finished!活動終了 Thank you for coming ご来場ありがとうございました。


Asia meets Asia 2022 in Tokyo 

 <Unbearable Dreams12 タ・エ・ラ・レ・ナ・イ・ユ・メ12

「漂流者2/ Still Drifting」>

アジア9都市共同創作公演/ Asia 9 Cities Collaboratio Project

Southeast Turkey- Bangalore-Dehli-Daramshala-Hong Kong-Hanoi-Shanghai-Busan-Tokyo

2022年10月6日(木)〜10日(月・祝) /プロト・シアター (高田馬場)

6 Thu.- 10 Mon Oct. at Proto-theater (Takadanobaba, Tokyo)  

チラシ・表 Flye Face    チラシ・裏 Flyer Back    ポスター Poster

予告編動画 Trailer 

Finished 活動終了 Thank you for coming and watching. ご来場ありがとうございました



Street Performance at the Junktion in front of the Busan Law Court   

Presented by Playgroud SHIIM

Supported by Busan Cultural Foundation

Co-hosted by Theater Bakk

Collaborated by Asia meets Asia 

2018.9.5-9 アジア・ミーツ・アジア東京公演-<インド・ツアー>
Asia meets Asia 2018 Tokyo-<India Tour>   

Asia 7 Cities Collaboration – A Night of 2 Works
Teheran-Bangalore-Imphal-Hong Kong-Baguio-Busan-Tokyo
--今昔・千夜一夜2  One Thousand and One Nights 2—Past and Present
--アルク/ Aruku
2018年9月6,7,8,9日 Sep.6-9/プロト・シアター Proto-Theater

2017.10.28-29 「千夜一夜」街頭公演ー釜山・魚市場(ジャガルチマーケット)
"One Thousand and One Night”   
---The street performance in Jagalchi Market, Busan. A story grown up from Asia known worldwide as Arabian Night.
Asian artists themselves call out our memories and the present of Asia at the middle of Asian crowds
.昨年9月BankART(横浜)で上演した 『千夜一夜物語』を釜山の魚市場にて街頭公演 ・・・・

2017.10.28-29 in Jagalchi Market. Start at arounf 4.30pm Presented by Playgroud SHIIM
Supported by Busan Cultural Foundation
Co-hosted by Theater Bakk
Collaborated by Asia meets Asia

Contact e-mail : SHIIM & Asia meets Asia 
Access ☛Jagalchi Market


2016.11.21 釜山街頭公演 "Carrying Stones" in Busan! 
Very exciting street performace !
   Please watch !  (Edited version 11min)

The report of Busan performance. by Takumi Harada

2016年11月21日に釜山・Seomyeon にある図書館前の歩道にて、AMA公演「Carrying Stone」を行いました。
この公演は、Theater Playground Shiimの主催で、釜山文化財団からの助成を得て実現しました。
そして、Theater Playground Shiim, サポーターの皆様、スタッフの皆様、なにより約40分間寒空に見続けてくれました観客に、感謝します。

We just had AMA performance “Carrying Stone” in front of Library in Seomeon, Busan at 21st Nov.. This is organized by Theater Playground Shiim and subsidied by Busan Art Council. Performers from 7 cities, Busan, Tegu, Bangalore, Taipei, Shanghai, HongKong, Tokyo , carried memories, hopes and resistances in pavement, and went into car road. We stopped traffics and with understanding and acceptance of Bus and Car Drivers, performance could stand unti end. We all thanked them.
And we also thank to Theater Playground Shiim, supporters, all the staffs and especially audiences for them watching us under cold sky. At that time, Busan has been swinging for demonstrating against Paku President.
So, we decided to make small performance at 19th Nov. when big demonstration was held, neaby demonstrating area. The reaction of audience surrounding was very warm and energetic. Thank

2016.9.9-11 Asia meets Asia 2016ーAsia 6 Cities Collaboration
2performance, one night

Thank you for coming !  We finished sussefully.
We are glad to be able to get the high evaluation on these 2 works, which is totally different works on the contents and style, from lots of audience.

September 9-11./ BankART NYK Studio
・”Unbearable Dreams 9〜Anyway”
”Unbearable Dreams 10〜One thousand and One Night”

公演詳細Details  チラシFlyer .......■ポスターPoster......

Update 更新・アップロードしました
2017.9 Uploaded a new page of  "Voice" for Review,Comment and Message.
新たなページ”Voice 声”をアップロード。レビュー、コメントやメッセージを掲載。
2017.9 Uplaoded new page of "Profile of Collaboration Participants"
2017.9 Uploaded "Supporting member" . 賛助会員募集ページを新設
2017.9 Uploaded a new page of ”Work for contents of each works. 「作品」ページを新設、作品資料等、ご覧ください。
2017.9 Update all page. すべてのページを更新
2017.8 Update: Pictures of All stages. 2016年までの舞台写真
2016.4 Review of "Unbearable Dreams〜Somewhere"by Hiroyuki Takahashi.
  2016 Asia 6 Cities Collaboration "One Thousand and One Nights"

※These are devided into 6 parts to uplode on Youtube. 6つに分けてアップ。
1) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9z3gEVrqIY8
2) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l5H3vjbDZxU
3) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ij95HUjllpg
4) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4b8eyMguE0g
5) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oAPVyr02RkA
6) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cmlYc7W_uqM


2014 Asia 7 Cities Collaboration ”Unbearable Dreams8〜Somewhere” 3min
アジア7都市共同創作「タ・エ・ラ・レ・ナ・イ・ユ・メ 8〜どこかへ」


●2013 Asia 7 Cities Collaboration ”Unbearable Dreams7〜Nowhere” 17min
アジア7都市共同創作「タ・エ・ラ・レ・ナ・イ・ユ・メ 7〜どこにも」

●2012 Asia 7 Cities Collaboration”Unbearable Dreams6〜Hope" 12min
アジア7都市共同創作「タ・エ・ラ・レ・ナ・イ・ユ・メ 7〜希望」

●2011 East Asia 4cities Collaboration "LuXin Madman's Diary"

東アジア4都市共同公演”魯迅・狂人日記”(Tagtasフェスティバル参加) 4:40min

010 Asia 7 Cities Collaboration ”Unbearable Dreams5〜Return”  5:30
アジア7都市共同創作「タ・エ・ラ・レ・ナ・イ・ユ・メ 7〜帰還」



Road to Asia
2014 Asia tour 3  Tokyo- Busan

2013 Asia tour 2  Tokyo-Bangalore-Yogyakarta

2012   Asia tour 1   Tokyo-Taipei-Hong Kong-Bangalore

Move to Activity record

アジア共同作業へのメッセージ  Message
Archana Kumar, India/Mahoumd Salimi, Afghanistan/Zhao Chuan, Shanghai/于玲娜 Yu Ling Na/王墨林 Mo-lin Wang/湯時康 Tong Sze Hong

アジア・ミーツ・アジアの快感:竹田賢一 Kenichi Takeda

" We don't know Asian theater very much. From Asaian theater , we mostly know its traditional theater : Kabuki , Noh , Peking Opera , Kathakali , Ta'zah from Iran...
Asia Meets Asia gives us the opportunity to get familiar with the modern contemporary art of Asia , something that is very important for the largest continent of the world.
Asia Meets Asia is not a big festival but does have a big heart which can embrace all the Asia Theater -Family . " from Attila Pessyani   The BAZY Theatre , Iran.

Links: 劇団DA・M

